Personal Injury Compensation Claim Experts
Our specialist No Win No Fee solicitors could help you with claiming personal injury compensation.

£85 million in compensation
Personal Injury Compensation Claim Experts
Our specialist No Win No Fee solicitors could help you with claiming personal injury compensation.

Learn If You Could Make A Personal Injury Claim
If you have sustained personal injury in an accident or incident that was not your fault, you might be entitled to start a claim for compensation for the pain and suffering caused to you.
You may also be able to claim for medical expenses for treatment related to the injury as well as loss of earnings from having to stay off from work because of your injuries.

Established, Experienced, Dependable, Responsive and Committed
The Eligibility Criteria For Personal Injury Claims
A personal injury is the legal term for an injury to a person’s physical or psychological well-being.
In order to pursue personal injury compensation, you must prove that you have experienced negligence.
In a personal injury claim, negligence is defined as:
- A duty of care was owed to you.
- A third party breached this duty of care.
- As a result of the breach, you were injured.
The Types Of Personal Injury Claims We Can Help With
Here are the different types of personal injury claims we can help with:
- Accidents at work. When you are working, your employer owes you a duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. All employers must take steps that are reasonable in order to ensure your safety at work. One of these expected reasonable steps, for example, includes assessing and managing hazards.
- Accidents in public places. When you are out in public, such as at the park or gym, the occupier of that place owes you a duty of care under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. All occupiers must take steps in order to ensure your reasonable safety while you are lawfully visiting their space. One of these expected steps, for example, includes implementing measures of health and safety. Examples of public places include schools, gyms, supermarkets, council-owned properties, and restaurants.
- Road traffic accidents. When you are on the road, road users owe a duty of care to one another. All road users must follow the regulations and rules in the Road Traffic Act 1988 and The Highway Code to ensure that each other is safe while on the road. One of these rules, for example, is to not drive above the speed limit.
If you believe that either an employer, an occupier, or a road user has breached their duty of care towards you, and you’ve become injured as a result, please don’t hesitate to contact us today to make a claim enquiry.
Why Make A Personal Injury Claim?
When somebody’s been involved in some form of accident, many people just want to put the whole thing behind them.
The thought of filing a personal injury case can be unnerving as it could mean having to relive the trauma several times over while relating the details to their solicitor and potentially again in the courtroom. This only adds to what can already be a stressful situation besides taking up more time.
Having to take time off from work could mean further loss of income. What if after all that, you lose the case and are not awarded any compensation? However difficult it may be, it is always advisable to file a personal injury claim for compensation.
Any type of personal injury can put a strain on your physical and mental health as well as your finances. You would have had to pay for medication and treatment for your injuries. Depending on your injuries, you may require long-term treatment, which could turn out to be hugely expensive, both in terms of time as well as money.
Filing a claim is the first step toward getting the recompense you deserve. The money could help restore your financial position to what it was before the accident. Also, it allows you to take time to heal from the physical and psychological trauma without having to worry about finances.
By suing a negligent party you are also doing your part to prevent the same accident and injury from happening to anyone else. For example, filing a claim for a personal injury resulting from faulty equipment may highlight unsafe practices at work so other employees may not suffer the same injuries in future.
What Does The Personal Injury Compensation Claims Process Involve?
If you work with an expert solicitor, they can guide you through the personal injury claims process. This involves following the Pre-Action Protocol. These are steps that must be followed before a claim has to potentially go to court, these are:
- Sending a letter to the defendant to make them aware that you are making a compensation claim. This is called a Letter of Notification.
- Rehabilitation, which is where both parties can consider what urgent treatment or rehabilitation you might need, if any.
- Sending a Letter of Claim. This is a more detailed correspondence where you explain what facts your claim is based on.
- The defendant has 21 days of receiving the letter of claim to respond and then has three months to investigate.
- Disclosing documents in order to clear up or resolve issues relevant to the case.
- Seeking expert insight. For example, an independent medical expert could assess your injuries. This provides medical evidence for the claim.
- Negotiating and hopefully resolving the case. This could involve a Part 36 Offer being made if the defendant admits liability.
- Alternative Dispute Resolution methods can be made, such as arbitration, if both pirates are unable to reach an agreement.
If these steps don’t lead to a resolution, the case might have to go to court. However, very few of the personal injury compensation claims our solicitors handle end up needing court proceedings.
Our advisors can answer any questions you might have about the claims process and give further insight into how our specialist solicitors can help you seek compensation.
Examples Of Personal Injury Compensation Payouts
If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of another, you could potentially claim compensation. This could cover both the pain and suffering you have experienced, under general damages, and the specific financial losses you have incurred as a result, under special damages.
The table in this section shows a variety of injuries or illnesses you could potentially claim compensation for. The figures shown are from the Judicial College Guidelines, a document used by legal professionals to help value personal injury claims. You should know that these figures are not a guarantee.
Additionally, the top entry in this table does not appear in the JCG.
Injury | Severity | Amount | Notes |
Multiple Injuries Plus Financial Losses | Severe | Up to £1,000,000+ | Compensation for several injuries and special damages such as a loss of earnings. |
Brain Damage | Very Severe | £344,150 to £493,000 | The victim will display little, if any, meaningful response to their surrounding environment. Full-time nursing care will be required. |
Leg | Amputations (iii) | £127,930 to £167,760 | One leg is amputated above the knee. |
Ankle | Severe | £38,210 to £61,090 | There will be a need for an extensive period of treatment. The result will be ankle instability and a limited ability to walk. |
Arm | Less Severe | £23,430 to £47,810 | The person will have made a substantial recovery (or is expected to) despite suffering with substantial disabilities. |
Back | Moderate (i) | £33,880 to £47,320 | The lumbar vertebrae suffers a compression or crush fracture that causes pain that is constant. |
Foot | Moderate | £16,770 to £30,500 | A permanent deformity with continuing symptoms due to displaced metatarsal fractures. |
Skeletal | (b) | £18,180 to £29,220 | Multiple fractures of the facial bones that result in a permanent facial deformity. |
Shoulder | Serious | £15,580 to £23,430 | Damage to the brachial plexus with the dislocation of the shoulder that causes neck and shoulder pain with aching in the elbow. |
Under special damages, you could potentially claim for (past and future):
- Travel costs
- Medical expenses
- Property damage
- Loss of earnings
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Frequently Asked Questions
For claimants under the age of 18, their time limit is suspended until they reach adulthood. This is because they cannot legally pursue their own personal injury claims. For the claim to be made before this date, it must be done by a litigation friend.
This is when an adult with the child’s best interests at heart, such as their parents. are appointed to pursue the claim on the behalf of their injured child. The litigation friend is not awarded the compensation if the case If successful. It is placed into a legally secured bank account under the child’s name that they can access from their 18th birthday.
If the child reaches 18 without a claim being started on their behalf, they have 3 years to start one themselves.
If the injured party has a reduced mental capacity, then their time limit is suspended. They would also require a litigation friend to act on their behalf.
If their mental state is due to something like brain damage and they are expected to recover, then their time limit will only begin when their mental capacity is restored. If it is never restored, then their time limit will also remain suspended.
In most cases, there is a lot of confusion after a personal injury. This can make it difficult for you to put together the evidence that could help you file a strong case. Being aware of what you should and should not do immediately after an accident can help you stay more focused at that time.
- The first thing you should do immediately after an accident is check your injuries and try and determine how badly hurt you are. We recommend seeking medical help.
- If there are any witnesses to the accident, get their contact details so that they can testify on your behalf as to whose fault the accident was.
- Get photographs of your injuries, the scene of the accident, your damaged vehicle if any and the immediate cause of the accident.
- Get your injuries treated at the nearest medical facility.
- Report the accident and your personal injuries at the nearest police station and keep a record of the report.
- Get in touch with a solicitor and get professional advice as to the best way to proceed with filing your compensation claim.
We also don’t recommend agreeing to any personal injury settlement that the defendant’s insurance company offers you without first consulting a solicitor. Most insurance companies rush in to offer compensation after any type of accident. It may seem like a fair and easy deal at first and you may be tempted to take it.
However, if you consult a solicitor, they may be able to negotiate on your behalf for more compensation.
Besides, you will have to sign an agreement waiving off your rights to claim any more compensation so you may not be able to claim for future injuries that may be related to the personal injury you have suffered.
If you have valid grounds to make a personal injury claim, then you may benefit from having support from a solicitor on your case. If you contact our advisors, they can review your case, and they may connect you with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors if they determine you have a strong claim.
Our No Win No Fee solicitors can support claims by offering guidance on how to start a claim for a personal injury and advice on how to make your case as strong as possible. Additionally, the No Win No Fee solicitors on our panel usually over their services under a Conditional Fee Agreement.
The benefits of working under such an agreement include not needing to pay your solicitor any upfront fees while your claim is being processed for their services. Also, you won’t need to pay your solicitor for the work they have done on your case if your claim proves unsuccessful.
If your claim does succeed, then your solicitor will take a small and legally capped percentage from the compensation awarded to you. This is referred to as a success fee.
Contact our advisors today to learn more about what is a personal injury claim and how one of our No Win No Fee solicitors could support you with yours.
There is a time limit in place for starting a personal injury claim. According to the Limitation Act 1980, you have three years to begin claiming compensation. This usually starts from the date that your road traffic accident happened.
However, if the injured person is under 18 years old, or if the claimant lacks the mental capacity to claim, then this time limit will be paused. While the time limit is paused, a litigation friend may be appointed to start the claims process on the claimant’s behalf.
If no claim has been made on behalf of the minor, they will have from their 18th birthday to start their own claim. Similarly, if the claimant who lacks the mental capacity recovers their capacity and no claim has been made for them, the time limit will run from the recovery date.
Therefore, if you are looking to claim road traffic accident compensation, confirm with our advisors not only your compensation claim eligibility but whether you are within the legal limitation period. Our team can also answer any questions you have about the exceptions to the time limit.
Get Legal Advice And Make A Personal Injury Claim
If you’re looking to make a claim for a personal injury, our advice can be provided in a free initial consultation. Once our advisors determine the strength and validity of your claim, they could connect you to one of our specialist solicitors. Our team has many years of experience and aim to provide personal injury claimants with a high-quality service to help the claim compensation.
We are able to help you with all types of personal injury claims, such as fatal accidents, road traffic accidents or accidents at work. You will not be obligated to use our services after your free initial consultation either.
Contact Us
Hiring a personal injury solicitor can allow you to focus more on recovering from your injuries. The solicitor can also use their knowledge and experience to guide you through the legal process of claiming. We can potentially offer solicitors with such experience if you contact us for support.
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