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A Guide To Bus Accident Claims

If you have been injured by a bus, we can help you learn more about bus accident claims. 

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A Guide To Bus Accident Claims

If you have been injured by a bus, we can help you learn more about bus accident claims. 

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A Guide To Bus Accident Claims

Have you been injured in a bus accident? If so, and the bus driver or company was negligent, then you could be eligible to make a bus accident claim for compensation.

We first discuss who could be eligible to make bus accident claims and provide examples of how a bus driver can possibly be negligent.

Furthermore, we look at what evidence you may need when claiming bus accident compensation, and how this compensation will be valued if your claim is successful.

Also, towards the end of our guide, we discuss the claims time limit and how our No Win No Fee solicitors can help you through each step of the claims process.

If you are looking to find out information regarding bus accident claims, this guide will greatly benefit you. Additionally, if you are looking to begin claiming today, please contact us. Our services are live 24/7 and free to use.

What Are Bus Accident Claims?

Bus accident claims are made when a passenger of a bus or another road user is injured because a bus driver breached their duty of care. 

All types of road users owe a duty of care to one another when they are using the roads. This includes buses. To comply with their duty of care, road users must follow the rules that are in the Road Traffic Act 1988 and The Highway Code to make sure that no road user is at risk of being in a road traffic accident. As such, if they don’t, this is a breach of duty of care. 

Here is the criteria that you need to meet to have an eligible bus accident claim:

  1. You were owed a duty of care. 
  2. The duty of care was breached.
  3. You suffered an injury because of the breach.

Can I Claim If I Slipped On The Bus?

Additionally, you can still make a bus accident claim even if the bus you were on was not involved in a road traffic accident. 

All operators of public services, such as buses and other public transport, owe a duty of care to each member of the public that lawfully uses their services. The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 states that anyone who has control of a public service or space must take reasonable steps in order to make sure that the public are safe and free of injury. This includes keeping on top of the conditions of the public area.

An example of one of these steps includes cleaning up spillages as soon as possible and putting out wet floor signs so the public are aware that there is a hazard. 

As such, the same eligibility criteria as above will apply. So, if you have been in a road traffic accident or a public place accident due to a bus driver or company breaching their duty of care, please speak with us today. 

Who Can Make A Bus Accident Compensation Claim?

At the back of a bus in the middle of the aisle with passengers sat in some seats.

We will now look at examples of how bus driver negligence could occur. Bus driver negligence is when a bus driver or company breaches their duty of care and causes bus passengers or other road users to be injured. 

Bus Passengers

Here are some examples of how a bus accident could occur to a bus passenger:

  • The bus driver swerves and collides into another vehicle on the other side of the road due to the bus driver being under the influence of alcohol. As a bus passenger, you could suffer soft-tissue injuries and whiplash. 
  • The bus driver crashes into a building ahead because they are exceeding the speed limit and cannot slow down in time. As a bus passenger, you could suffer broken bones. 
  • The bus doors close on you due to the sensors being faulty. 

Pedestrians, Motorists, and Cyclists

Additionally, here is how other road users could possibly be injured in accidents involving buses:

  • You are a pedestrian walking across a zebra crossing. A bus driver is on their phone and fails to notice you on the crossing, thus, failing to stop. Being run over by a bus can lead to serious injuries such as paralysis and brain damage. 
  • You are a cyclist riding in front of a bus. The bus gets too close behind you due to carelessness, and knocks you off your bike. This could lead to crushing injuries. 
  • A bus driver turned into a roundabout at the wrong time, leading to a car accident with multiple vehicles in a pile-up. 

Have a chat with us today about how your specific bus accident happened. Our solicitors can take on all different kinds of bus accident claims and offer legal advice and support.


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What Do You Need To Claim Bus Accident Compensation?

Here are some types of evidence that is needed to support bus accident claims:

  • CCTV footage, or dash-cam footage, of the accident. 
  • Keep a diary of your symptoms. 
  • Request copies of your medical notes and records. 
  • Take photos of the accident site and your injuries. 
  • The vehicle registration and details of the bus driver involved. 
  • Details regarding how the accident occurred – such as the time, date, the number of the bus, the route it was taking, how the accident happened, etc. 
  • Your bus ticket, as this can be used to prove you were on the bus. 

Evidence is really important to show how bus driver negligence took place. If you are connected with one of our solicitors, they will help you collect your evidence.

Contact our advisors today to see if you can work with one of our solicitors. Additionally, they can answer any questions you may have about the claiming process.

How Much Compensation From A Bus Crash Injury Claim?

Compensation for successful bus accident claims can potentially consist of two different heads of loss. The first head of loss, general damages, is awarded in all successful claims, whereas the second head of loss, special damages, is awarded in some successful claims. 

General damages compensates you for the mental and physical effects of your injuries caused by a bus accident. Here are some factors that can change how much general damages could be worth:

  • The length of recovery. 
  • The severity of your pain. 
  • Loss of amenity. 

You may attend an independent medical assessment during the claims process. The reports from this assessment may be looked at alongside the guidelines from the Judicial College (JCG) to help determine what your general damages could be worth. 

The JCG contains guideline compensation amounts for different types of mental and physical injuries and illnesses. 

Guideline Compensation Table

We have taken some injuries from the JCG, and their accompanying guideline compensation payouts, that could potentially be suffered after a bus accident. The first row, however, is not from the JCG. 

This table should only be used for guidance, since no payout is guaranteed. 

InjurySeverityGuideline figuresNotes
Multiple serious injuries and special damagesSeriousUp to £1,000,000+An award for sustaining more than one serious injury and financial loss, such as lost earnings and medical bills.
ParalysisTetraplegia (a)£396,140 to £493,000Paralysis from the upper body down.
Paraplegia (b)£267,340 to £346,890Paralysis from the lower body down.
Brain damageVery severe (a)£344,150 to £493,000This bracket includes cases where the person show little response to their surroundings that is meaningful.
Less severe (d)£18,700 to £52,550Although there will be problems with memory, concentration, and the ability to work, a good recovery will be made and the person will be able to have a normal social life.
LegAmputations (a) (i)£293,850 to £344,150Both legs are amputated above the knee.
Less serious (c) (i)£21,920 to £33,880Fractures that do not fully recover.
WhiplashLasting 18-24 months. £4,345Whiplash injuries plus psychological illness.
Lasting 18-24 months. £4,215Whiplash injuries on their own.

Special Damages

Special damages compensates you for the monetary effects of your injuries caused by a bus accident. Here are some financial losses that could result from a bus injury:

  • Loss of earnings. 
  • Medical bills. 
  • Professional care costs. 

Because special damages are only awarded in some successful claims, it is strongly advised that you keep evidence like bank statements, payslips, invoices, and receipts. 

To learn more about how bus accident compensation is calculated in successful claims, please contact us. If you are connected with a specialist solicitor, they will work hard to ensure that your compensation is as maximised as possible. 

Are The Whiplash and Minor Injury Changes Relevant To Your Bus Injury Claim?

The Whiplash Reform Programme made changes to how certain low-value road traffic accident claims can be made.  These changes mean that you must claim through a different claim method if:

  • You are aged 18+.
  • You were a driver or passenger in a road traffic accident. 
  • Your injuries are deemed to be worth equal to or less than £5,000. 

Furthermore, the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 set out a tariff of for whiplash injuries.

So, if you are suffering with whiplash after a bus or coach accident, please contact us. 

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How Long Do You Have To Make A Bus Injury Claim?

Typically, there is a 3 year time limit on bus accident claims. This typical time limit starts from the date of the bus accident and is established in the Limitation Act 1980

The time limit may only be changed for the following circumstances:

  • If the claimant is younger than 18. 
  • If the claimant lacks the mental capacity to claim.

For both of these circumstances, the time limit will be paused until either:

  • The claimant turns 18. 
  • The claimant regains the mental capacity to claim. 

While the time limit is paused, a litigation friend can begin a claim on the claimants behalf. 

Our team can tell you more about the time limits for bus accident claims if you contact us today.

Why Make A No Win No Fee Bus Accident Compensation Claim?

A bus accident claims solicitor and a client sat at a desk, the solicitor is writing in a book with a gavel next to him.

If you begin a bus accident claim with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors, you could greatly benefit from this. This is because our solicitors offer a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).

CFA’s are helpful because there are no:

  • Upfront service fees for your solicitor before your claim begins. 
  • Ongoing service fees for your solicitor throughout the claiming process. 
  • Fees for your solicitor’s work if your claim is unsuccessful.

Instead, if your claim is successful, your solicitor can take a success fee from your compensation. A success fee is a legally capped percentage. 

Get In Touch With Us Today

Furthermore, if you have any questions at all regarding bus accident claims and whether you can begin one today, please contact us. Our advisors will listen to you and help connect you with a specialist No Win No Fee solicitor if you’re eligible for bus injury compensation. 

More Resources About Making Bus Accident Claims

Here are a few of our other guides on road traffic accident claims as well some pages from other websites which you might find useful:

Thank you for reading our guide on bus accident claims. Please remember that our team are available 24/7 to help you in any way they can. 

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All calls are free and there’s no pressure whatsoever to proceed with a compensation claim. 

If you write to us, we aim to respond within an hour or two, and no more than a few hours. 

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